collective voice

Thanks for dropping by our blog page. Our team of over 60 full-time experts use the latest thinking in behavioural design and enablement via our people-shaped methodology to Make Better Happen for individuals, organisations and communities. Our specialisms of applied behavioural insights, design through co-creation and leading-edge social marketing and engagement are at the core of all that we do. Our mission is to be part of a society that is well, confident and resilient. If we can help you take a journey to be your best self, please call us on 0845 5193 423 - our promise to you is that we never settle for second best.

How can we quickly introduce transformative systems thinking that leads to continuous improvement to our organisation, whilst also improving cultures?

April 22, 2016 14:59

The need for continuous improvement and lean system approaches is often wrongly attributed to the faults of individuals, rather than systems and processes.

It's no surprise that this mindset can lead to negative attitudes towards the subject when teams or departments are put under the microscope.

Our experience tells us that when it comes to looking at ways of improving how they work, organisations sometimes forget about:

  • What the customer really wants, as well as their needs and what is of value to them
  • How the processes and performance impact upon those who work alongside them in other teams/departments - the holistic system
  • Making sure that their ideas or changes are affordable, scalable and repeatable
  • "But we don't have any time!" - often, there is a struggle to make the time for lengthy programmes, training or meetings, but there is another way...

Our experience in delivering lean systems thinking across the government sector and multiple industries has shown that people are more able to adopt, adapt and become adept when the focus on improvement is based on a mutual subject.

We all want easy, fun and participative experiences that are part of everyday life to help us digest and work out what this change will mean to me.

The ICE team has designed a simple and highly effective experience to introduce holistic systems thinking to any organisation with the want or need to implement improved, more effective ways of working. 

With no more than two hours, we will deliver a dynamic experience to any part of your organisation.

With easily transferable insights, participants will leave with strong foundations laid to build upon, as well as approaches to transformation and change that can be applied into 'business as usual.'

We would love to meet with you and better understand what matters to you.

ICE's 7Es transformation experience creates real, sustainable change that really does become business as usual. Together, we can #MakeBetterHappen

How do you baseline your organisation's culture and strengthen its future?

April 5, 2016 15:55

Measuring the culture of your organisation can be a difficult challenge. How can you define such a multifaceted subject that spans the whole of your organisation?

Standard staff surveys offer a certain degree of insight into how individuals perceive your organisation or what they’d like to see done differently, but their offer does not stretch much further than this. By their nature, they are unable to give you a sense of whether people are aligned to or believe in your values.

From delivering culture and leadership transformations, ICE knows that a culture’s DNA consists of underlying beliefs, values and behaviours. It is essential that we dive deep into these factors to explore how they shape the current culture.

As well as unpacking and understanding the positive values and behaviours an individual exhibits, it is essential that you also discover any potentially limiting factors.

Through continuous learning, ICE has developed a simple, cost-effective starting point which enables organisations to explore and capture their culture – both in a current state and a desirable future state.

Using a model framed around Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Need’, we are able to differentiate positive and any potentially negative elements of your culture, while also establishing how your staff sit within the 7 levels of need.

Supported by our organisational development experts, our complete organisation overview will provide you with the professional guidance and support to address concerns and enhance strengths. This gives you the best chance of establishing a truly values-driven organisation.

To talk through how we can work with your organisation or for more information on our culture mapping offer, contact Simon Platt on 07583 049 603 or at